Shower Package 2 | Handheld Shower

This shower package allows you to add a handheld showerhead to your shower. By changing the included Posi-Temp fixture to an integrated transfer valve fixture this allows you to have the option of running both the shower head and handheld head together, or independently! The temperature of the water will be the same from both of the shower heads.

Included in this shower package:

  • Rizon Posi-Temp Integrated Transfer Valve in Chrome or Black Matte
  • 8″ Diameter, 1 Function Spray Head with a Wall Mount Arm in Chrome or Black Matte
  • 4.5″, 4 Function Handheld in Chrome or Black Matte

We have many different transfer valves and shower heads to choose from. The above selections offer a great starting point for this package! Each finish and style will differ in price.


Package Requirements: 

  • Shower must have tiled walls to accommodate for the handheld bracket


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